We were sitting at the table having our dinner this evening and Z1 decided to count to 100. He asked me to help him when he got stuck. I was expecting that when he got to 40, he'd start to falter but no, he just kept right on to 50 then 60 then 70 then 80 then 90 then 100!!!! I was so excited and proud and so was he. What a pleasant surprise! His push to count to 100 was totally self-motivated. I pushed him to get to 30 but he basically did the rest. I have a 100s chart that I placed on his wall underneath his calendar and he regularly sits there and counts. His abacus that I got for his birthday that he had religiously neglected? All of a sudden, he's counting to 100 with it. I'm really thrilled and working on figuring out the next step.
Today, we carved pumpkins which was a lot fun but I see that his fine motor skills are still developing. I hope to find ways to help him along so that way he can start to write to 100 too. Then, I will look into him taking classes to learn the soroban method of arithmetic (I found this company that offers to teach it and went in for a demonstration--I was very impressed).
For the past few weeks, we've been working on addition. I've been trying to give Z1 a number of methods he can use to solve addition equations. Once we've mastered addition, we're going to move on to counting by 2's, 5's and 10's. I'm especially interested in the counting by 5's because once he can do that comfortably, we can move on in our learning about telling time on an analog clock. Right now, he can tell you the time on the hour.
Yesterday, we took a wonderful hiking trip with some of our closest homeschooling friends. The drive was about 45 minutes and while we were driving, School House Rock was playing. Our friends had bought the box set on Ebay. Talk about a blast from the past. Well, I heard this song:
It's the very same song which taught me to count by 5's. Luckily, Z1 loves it and so we'll be playing it a lot. He also likes Zero, My Hero. I can't believe how well done School House Rock is and I'm excited that someone has brought these wonderful learning songs back into my consciousness.