So after much thinking, I've realized that both Z1 and I would do better with a lot more structure to our routine. As much as I would like to have set times daily to do work, it doesn't always work because of our activities. But my goal is to do at least one hour or academics daily and to stick more closely to
our course of study.
We've been doing well in reading (using the Hooked on Phonics program) and handwriting (using the Handwriting Without Tears program) and math (using the
School Zone Big Math 1-2 workbook).
Some academic areas I've been neglecting are music, art and science. Z1 takes a music class but it's just singing and movement. I need to get more serious about showing him basic piano skills and how to read music as well as music appreciation. We listen to a lot of music but we haven't gotten into discussing it and so this is something I'm looking to do. Art projects drive me batty--gluing, cutting and all that. We don't have a lot of space and mess is just too much. I would like to find some kind of weekly art program that's free or inexpensive so that he gets to make projects and be artistic and I get to keep my sanity. And then there's science. We covered the water cycle last but I feel that the gap between when we finished with that and when we started the new unit about rocks (today) was way too long. Also, I feel our water cycle study wasn't as cohesive as I would have liked so I'm going about the rock unit a little differently.
First off, we're going to be doing our first lapbook for this unit. I'm excited to see if we'll like doing it (or if it will just be tedious). I'd like to use books, websites, DVDs and have a culminating field trip and then the lapbook will be the tangible thing we take from the unit. Just today we learned that there are three kinds of rock. I know that some of this will be over Z1's head but I don't have a problem exposing him to it.
Some sites I've found so far through a preliminary google search:
I am borrowing
The Well-Trained Mind from the library again with the intention of buying. When I first read it, I thought it was way too structured but I'm more ready to embrace it now. I don't know what finally clicked but I'm liking the idea of
classical education at home a lot more.