Friday, September 10, 2010

School Starts Monday!

We are officially starting school this coming Monday after taking July and August off.  The school kids in our town start Monday as well so it just seemed like a good time for us to start.  The boys won't see any kids hanging out outside because they'll be in school!  

So let me share what we're going to be doing.  

I was deliberating between Math-u-See and RightStart Math.  After reading tons of reviews, I'm going with RightStart Math.  I'm hoping and praying Z1 takes to it because it was pretty expensive.  My main thing was that many of the reviewers said it was fun for their children and they really enjoyed it.  I really want math to be pleasant for both of us.  Heretofore, it has not been.  I also have a 1st Grade math workbook and a workbook on time and money that I'm sure we'll be able to use for extra practice if we need it.

Social Studies/History
I am using the Year K Guided Journey at Lesson Pathways.  The first lesson is "Community: Where You Live" and this unit lasts one week.  I hope to get some books at the library on Tuesday that reinforce the lesson but I want to be more on top of things and get supporting books the week before.  I'm sure he will enjoy mailing something to himself!
We are doing the Year K Science Guided Journey.  The first lesson is "What is a Scientist?" which will take another week.  We'll be working on Social Studies and Science twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday.

Language Arts
We'll be doing the Year 1 Language Arts Guided Journey.  The first lesson is Bed in Summer.    We'll be working on Language Arts daily.  Z1 is actually a very strong reader so in terms of phonics and reading, we will just continue to borrow a wide variety of Level 2 and 3 books at the library.  I also have a spelling workbook and we'll probably complete one page daily.  I may purchase the All About Spelling curriculum for him though.  We will see.  
To start school each day, we will do some copywork combined with learning the calendar.  He will write out the day and date each day.  As his writing improves, we will do more copywork (poems, passages, etc).  Once a week, we will do Handwriting without Tears, Level K-1. 

Z1 will be taking violin at the same church he took Kindermusik lessons.  Z2 will be taking Kindermusik lessons again.

Physical Education
Z1 will be taking basketball on Saturdays at the YMCA.  We will also be going on weekly (short) hikes.

For Z2, I've got sticker books (for learning numbers, letters and shapes) and I'm going to be following Brightly Beaning Steps to Reading Program Preparatory Curriculum.  Lesson #1 is about cows/calfs, the square shape, the letter A and the number 1.  Z2 will probably do a lot of coloring and puzzles.  He's 2 after all!!

So that's the plan.  I'll be modifying as we go along (of course).  I'm hoping to establish some strong homeschool ties for us this year.  We'll be headed into the city much more often and I'm considering enrolling Z1 in a class at The Roc.  I'm intimidated by the price but it might be well worth it. 

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