Friday, May 29, 2009

What Makes a Shadow?

Today Z1 was eager to show me his shadow in the foyer. He has expressed interest in shadows before. I went on the net to find some resources and found two things: the My Shadow website, which looks great and a the book What Makes a Shadow? which I put on hold at the library.

In trying to figure out Z1's other interests, I am having to accept that playing video games ranks high on the list of things he likes to do. Very high. So I'm going to relax a little bit on limiting video games and let him have at it. Right now, he loves his father's plug and play games. But I'm thinking of also getting him the Leapfrog handheld gaming system. Actually, I'm thinking of hitting up the grandparents for it . . . LoL. I can't forget to mention Funschool too. Z1 really likes that site.

Photo Credit:
Free Daddy and His Little Shadow Girls at The Sakte Park by Pink Sherbet Photography

Monday, May 25, 2009

Getting it together learning wise . . .

I know I have a tendency to be regimented/rigid. Homeschooling presents me with a great opportunity to learn flexibility. Still, I know for my own sanity, it will be important to have some kind of learning schedule. Something predictable that I can look forward to.

A week or two ago, I started to feel as if I was not doing enough academically with Z1. A lot of that has to do with the fact that Z2 is so mobile that most of my energy is spent running around after him. To get anything done with Z1, either Chris has to be home to take him or he has to be put in his play pen, which he hates.

Anyway, I was starting to feel pressure and inadequacy and decided that I would just write out a little something to do academically daily. After all, at this age (preschool) the main focus, in my opinion, should be on play as that is the way preschoolers actually learn. I don't think it harmful, though, to practice some skills. I don't pressure Z1 to do any of these activities. I just kind of throw it out there that we'll be doing the activity and some point during the day.

Our Theme for May has been Birds.
Some books we've been using:
Birds by Kevin Henkes
Riki's Birdhouse
What Makes a Bird a Bird?

1. Discuss the day of the week and the weather
2. Work on handwriting in handwriting workbook
3. Bird nursery rhymes/songs

1. Discuss the day of the week and the weather
2. Science
-view bird videos
-look through bird books
-discuss what birds eat, where they live, what makes a bird a bird

1. Discuss the day of the week and the weather
2 Picture drawing while listening to book (this month, the book is a book about birds)
3. Bird nursery rhymes

1. Discuss the day of the week and the weather
2. Math
-counting and number recognition

1. Discuss the day of the week and the weather
2. Art activity/lacing beads
3. Sight words

I use this Kindergarten Curriculum Guide to guide my instruction. According to this, Z1 is on the kindergarten level (even though he's preschool age). That's comforting and lets me know that I'm doing okay.

I'm sure we could add more to the schedule but right now, along with all the other activities we do during the week, I think this is adequate. At least, that's all I can handle. :)

Our Weekly Schedule

So for some years now, I've been consistently doing things with Zion and now with Zion and Zephy weekly. On Tuesdays, we go to our local library for the Parent Child Program which is from 10:15 till about 11:15 or so. For the first 30 minutes, the children play and interact with each other. Then they clean up and it's time for some stories, puppet play, etc. I love the program because it is well run and it is close to home. At one point, I stopped going because it was overrun with daycare kids (as in the daycare would haul all their kids to the program). But recently, they have been more stringent and while some caregivers still bring thier 6 or 7 kids, it still feels small and homey. It's still enjoyable.

On Thursdays we usually go to Parent's Place in White Plains. The program runs from 10:00-12:00. I really have to focus to get there on time but it's always well worth it. From 10:00 till 11, the children are free to play in either of the two rooms. One room is full of toys: a kitchen set, train table, blocks, push toys, rocking boats, etc. The other room has a water table, puzzles, finger painting/arts and crafts as well as easel painting. There's a rug where smaller babies can play and a bookcase with children's books that are displayed and changed regularly. At 11, everyone cleans up, we sing and play instruments then it's time for a snack. Once snack is over, the children are free to play again (sand table and play dough are brought out) and the parents, if they'd like, can have a group where they can talk about any issues they may be having in raising their babies. I enjoy this program tremendously although these days Zion seems to be outgrowing it. It is still very appropriate for Zephy who is so cute when the songs are being sung. Recently I learned that the program may not continue because of a serious lack of funds (hundreds of thousands of dollars). I'm hoping that some benefactor will contribute the money to keep it running but in this economy, it may not happen.

A mom at Parent's Place hipped me to an inexpensive Kindermusik program in New Rochelle. Zion is the only one taking the class right now. It is on Friday's from 3:30-4:15. He enjoys it and I think we'll sign Zephy up next. The program runs just like the public schools do so we won't be doing it this summer. I'm looking forward, in a way, to having Fridays freed up.

A few weeks ago, we signed Zion up for swimming at the New Rochelle YMCA. It's on Saturdays at 11:15. The first class went surprisingly well. Zion got in the pool and participated. The last two classes . . . not so much. The teacher is kind of cold and doesn't really give off a vibe of protection--in other words, Zion doesn't trust or like her. But I received some wonderful advice from another homeschooling Mama on what to do and so while I'm anxious to make sure our money is not wasted, I think I can figure out ways to maximize the experience even if Zion never gets in the pool.

So these are our weekly activities. Sprinkled in there are playdates and other interesting things we might find to do. Now that summer is upon us, we'll be doing a lot more fun things (especially **free** or low cost fun things like the pool and the beach.

Look, I love summer and just the prospect of summer fun gets me excited. I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monthly Themes

So I have been loosely following this curriculum for Z1. He has advanced past the preparatory curriculum and so I'm looking into kindergarten material for him. I like the idea of themes presented in the curriculum I was following so instead of weekly themes, I thought we'd do monthly themes and see how that goes. (This homeschooling is a series of attempts and trials.)

So this month's themes is BIRDS. Later, I will list the books and other materials we've collected so far. My plan is to make a birdhouse to put out back so we can attract birds.

Z1 has finally gotten the concept of "Today is Wednesday because yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow will be Thursday".

He is also able to count to 30 although not 100% comfortably. He is getting there.